An Interview With: Marco Tschudi Part 2

The concluding part of my interview with professional pool playing nice guy Marco Tschudi is designed to shed light on the man behind the cue.

If you have a spare minute check out his website: which is a feast of fun.

And if you currently do not have a favorite pool player I urge you to make Marco that man. Let this day be marked as the start of his assault on Roger Ferder's position as the Swiss godfather of sport.

What do you enjoy doing away from the table?

I go running three times a week and swimming twice a week. A enjoy good movies and learnt a lot about music lately. I am not the guy that goes to the clubs every weekend. I rather go to have a drink in a nice bar or café.

Who's your all time sporting hero?

There are a few: Ayrton Senna, Michael Jordan, Michael Johnson and of course Roger Federer

Have you ever met someone famous? (If not who would you most like to meet?)

It was funny when I played my first World Champs in 2004 Taipei... At the buffet of the opening dinner there was Steve Davies in front and Francisco Bustamante behind me. That time they were some kind of famous poeple for me. But besides pool players I haven't met someone famouse yet. To be honest, I don't like to meet any since I don't know one of them ;) ... if I have to chose: Dalai Lama

Would you swap being a pro-player for any other job in the world?

No! I like being me ;) ... to have Richard Branson's job for while would be nice though!


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